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German Website
Header: Institute for Systemic NLP, Hamburg

NLP Trainer Training

This is an intensive 20 day training for advanced practitioners of NLP who are ready to make the next step in their lives to becoming leaders and trainers in the field. The training is in English and German, with an interpreter always available; the exercises and the testing are in German (please contact us for details and special arrangements).

The training will focus on the multi-dimensional elements involved in a training. It will particularly concentrate on helping participants to develop their own unique personal style and their mission and vision connected to being a trainer. The program will be very practically orientated with participants doing many different kinds of presentations to different kinds of audiences, and receiving feedback orientated to posetively support their individual progress and development.

Also, participants will learn how to bring a sense of effortless, creative spontaneity and enjoyment to any training process they might be involved in in the future. Specific topics that will be covered include:

  • Training design - how to plan and organise the training content
  • How to effectively manage the delivery of a training - the set ups, framing, presentations, demonstrations, exercises, discussions, cleanup and future pacing
  • Presentation and basic platform skills - use of universals metaphors and stories, psychogeography, appropriate language patterns, use of gestures, body language, spatial anchoring and group anchoring
  • Doing What You Teach - understanding how trainings are profoundly different from "lectures", use of learning styles, meta programs, representational systems, living the NLP presuppostions, and hooking the training to participants' own unique experience and resources; the concscious use of overt and covert goals with the appropriate evidence procedures fully preplanned (using the T.O.T.E. model)
  • Self Management - how to develop and create personal resourceful states, so as to be as effective, congruent and powerful as possible
  • Group Management - rapport: leading and pacing a group, dealing with difficult situations and challenging participants. How to powerfully utilize the questions and comments of participants to expand the outcomes and intentions of the training; creating a warm and supportive learning atmosphere
  • Training management - doing demonstrations, choosing subjects, trouble shooting, giving instructions for exercises, developing supervision and feedback skills
  • Discovering your own personal vision and mission for being a trainer and how you can align your training content and style to your deepest values and sense of your Self
  • How to organise and manage the state of the group whereby maximum learning occurs. Exercise design and construction - transfering skills and models that a group can internalise. Planing and timing of appropriate training activities to pace and lead the needs of the group any particular moment
  • Developing and encouraging self and peer assessment, co-coaching, "guardian angel" skills, giving and receiving multi-level and multi-positional feedback
  • Planning and designing appropriate assessment material and activities
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When you successfully finish an NLP Training with the ISNLP, you have the opportunity to become certified by the International Association for NLP (DVNLP) and/or the Deutscher Verband für NLP (IANLP).
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